Connect with nature and improve your health ...
Rest assured, we are not for a moment suggesting you frolic barefoot through Burnbake Forest in your birthday suit…
However, if you are looking to unwind and calm your mind in this frazzled digital age, Forest Bathing could be for you.

What is Forest Bathing?
Forest Bathing is all about taking time to connect with nature and improve your physical and mental health.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by daily life or just in need of a bit of calm, time invested in appreciating the wonder of nature can be a great healer.
Modern technology dominates our lives. Switching off those devices and dipping your toe in some Forest Bathing will stir the senses, reset your natural electromagnetic fields and focus the body.
A short break at Burnbake soaking yourself in our natural environment will immerse you in a forest full of therapeutic value.
And this stunning part of the Isle of Purbeck is officially the most bio diverse region in the UK with more species of wildlife within 10 miles of Wareham than anywhere else in the country.
The Benefits of Forest Bathing
• Protection against obesity and diabetes.
• More energy and better sleep.
• Mood-boosting effects.
• Decreased inflammation.
• Clearer, more comfortable skin.
But, don’t just take our word for it. The Japanese have been Forest Bathing since the 80s and in the United States, a Certified Forest Therapy Guide are commonplace.
Every year Comms Unplugged, a group of public sector communicators bring their members from all over the country to Burnbake for the annual device-free wellbeing get together.

How to Forest Bathe
• Switch your phone off, leave any other distractions behind and take a walk into the forest. If you have to go as a group, resist talking until the end of the walk then, share your experience.
• Soak in and fully experience your surroundings. Wander freely, pause every now and then to look more closely at an interesting plant or notice the sensation of the path beneath your feet.
• Be still. Empty your mind of your goals and expectations. Shut your eyes for a moment and just listen. What can your hear? Bird song? The crunch of fallen leaves? A treetop breeze, or, simply a perfect peace…
• Focus on your breathing for a few minutes. Slow your breathing, place your hand on your tummy and breath deeply from there, not your chest. Inhale the fragrant forest pine and fill your lungs with lots of wonderful fresh air.
Don’t fancy a walk? Then just unplug for a while ...

There is a whole incredible natural world to sit and watch, from a comfy spot on your lodge terrace or even just outside your tent.
Relax and enjoy watching rare birds going about their daily business. Gaze at the sky, admire the cloud formations.
Simply start the day with a few moments to yourself and you are sure to spot a burrow load of Burnbake bunnies, a pheasant strutting by or deer hiding in the trees.
If you are camping, lose yourself in the mesmerising glow of a campfire, stargaze and listen for the distant hoot of a owl as you drift off for a blissful nights slumber under the stars.
Amplify your Forest Bathing
To further enhance your Forest Bathing, pre-book an aromatherapy massage, spa treatment (in the comfort of your lodge) or a private outdoor yoga class to gently ease you into a state of total relaxation.
Bathe in the Burnbake Forest and rediscover your inner peace.